Poblenou Opportunities of "Waste"

Looking for Organic "Waste" Materials

I decided to take action and go to Pobenou on Thursday morning to see and ask people about waste. My main question was:

Is it possible to upcycle the waste generated within Poblenou?

I was walking around IAAC sorrounding each “illa” taking pictures of the local business. I stopped and went in to ask the places I thought I could find an interesting waste of manufacture and with the possibility of making an upcycle product. I talked to the person in charge of the space and told them that I was working on reusing waste and trying to create new products in Poblenou.

Field Research in Poblenou

I mapped out about 50 establishments and out of these I discovered 6 opportunities of collaboration. From here the next steps are to understand the potential of each waste and see how an upcycle product can be made.

Aniol and Marc from Taller Esfèrica explained me they would like to design a compostable glasses, and we start a collaboration to explore this field.

After this meeting I started looking the project with multiple perspectives: material literacy (education), upcycle waste of Poblenou (society) and new production systems (technology).

Lines of investigation of Design for Regeneration project in Term 1.


Oscar Tómico, Kristina Andersen and Angela Mackey



